Query Becca Podos at the Rees Literary Agency

Senior Agent Rebecca Podos (she/they) has been with the Rees Literary Agency since 2011. She specializes in Young Adult fiction and Adult genre fiction. A graduate of the MFA Writing, Literature and Publishing program at Emerson College, her own Young Adult fiction is published by HarperCollins, Running Press Kids/Hachette, and Page Street, with Adult work forthcoming from Del Rey. A complete list of her authors’ published and upcoming projects can be found on her personal website, Rebeccapodos.com.

In YA and Adult Fiction, she’s looking for:

- Character-driven fantasy rooted in folklore and culture, featuring diverse characters, myths, and monsters.
- Horror as a vehicle for exploring identity, otherness, and trauma.
- Genre crossovers and subgenres written from fresh perspectives; cozy sci-fi, horror romance, historical fantasy, etc.
- Queer contemporary and historical fiction with gorgeous prose and a strong hook.
- Queer and/or BIPOC romance and romcom. Steam (in adult romance) is very welcome but not required!
- Cozy mysteries for millennials.
- SFF with a strong romantic element, or romance with a strong SFF element. Send your sweeping, sexy Kushiel’s Dart-style epics, please!

In Nonfiction (reading selectively) she’s looking for:

- Deep dives into nerdy topics like TTRPG’s, cosplay, fandoms, and related pop culture
- A strong narrative voice paired with expertise, with comps like Radium Girls, The Victorian and the Romantic, Why Fish Don’t Exist
- Kid lit centering queer history
- Explorations of sustainability through an intersectional lens, food justice, urban gardening, and our relationship to the land 

She is not currently looking for:

- Picture books, chapter books, or MG books
- Self-help or business nonfiction
- Dark romance (heavier themes and discussions are absolutely fine, I just prefer my ships of the fluffy side)
- Mysteries and thrillers with police protagonists or love interests

Step 1. Tell us about the author

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Step 2. Tell us about the book

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(If your book is shorter than this (such as a picture book) please include the entire text.) Paste in the first 3 chapters of your book, or your full book proposal if your book is non-fiction. (Tips for formatting and pasting text) Do NOT paste images into this field. Pasting large blocks of text can take several minutes. Please be patient.

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